Thank you for such a memorable and cherishable pictures. They were great pictures in action on the track.
Kristen Ellis(non-registered)
Thank you for the fabulous photos, KerriAnn! It's fun to see these kids on the race course. You get some amazing shots!
Becky Redett(non-registered)
Kerri- So fun to see all the exciting pics, esp. from the singletrack! All the riders look like rock stars! Downloaded a few of our Patterson Park team. Thanks so much.
Coach BMac(non-registered)
Your photos rock, due to illness we have missed most of the race season but we can be there virtually thanks to your wonderful photos!
Kim Caldeira(non-registered)
Thank you so much for the wonderful NICA photos! Some of the best sports photos I've seen.
Sheryl Wood(non-registered)
Love your photos! They capture the feelings and great experiences these races bring to kids, coaches, families and all whose lives are enriched by this experience.
Ilene Freedman(non-registered)
Thanks for the great photos of the NICA race, Kerri!
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